Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Way Better Blog than this One

I asked a friend of mine the other day why I haven't gotten any e-mails from them lately. The answer was "you have a blog and a Facebook page, it's easy to get burned out on you." Dang. I get burned out on me too, which is why I like getting e-mails. So now what am I supposed to do? Look up stuff on the internet, yay!

So today I am sending you to another Blog. Allie Brosh is the creator of Hyperbole and a Half and she is laugh out loud, wet your pants, funny. Go here now. Allie Brosh ROCKS!

from Hyperbole and a Half
This is why I'll never be and adult


  1. We would rather talk to you in person, but I guess that emails , blogs, and facebook will work for the long in betweens!

  2. I just want to thank you for sending me to the Hyperbole blog. You are so right. It is a RIOT!! Humour is always so much funnier when you can really identify with it, and you can definitely identify with this author. Her drawings alone are worth visiting the site for a good belly laugh. Thanks for adding some much needed humour to my life.

  3. @ Cari, I know! I would marry Allison Brosh and have her babies if I liked girls or wanted babies!! She is a scream!

  4. no no more blogs!
    oh...ok...i'll add it to the ever growing check out! ha! the whole 'internet' thing can burn ya least it does me...between blogs, FB, emails...sometimes i just wanna shut it down and pretend it's not there! but i can hear it whispering...trying to get my attention!

    anyway...i enjoy YOUR blog!! :] but thanks for the suggestion....

  5. Thanks Laura! I know what you mean! The internet is a HUGE timesuck, but I am always impressed by creative people, so I couldn't resist sharing this one...


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