Friday, July 20, 2012

You Can Do Anything! And Other Lies...

Guess what happens when you take a 20 year old girl-woman with feminist ideals, self-loathing, and a whole lot of I-can-do-anything-attitude?

Find out at Studio 30 Plus today, where I am the featured writer. Featured writer! Doesn't that sound all fancy and important??

Go here. Do it.

A social media site for writers over thirty, Studio 30 Plus is where all the cool geezers kids hang out. Except they let me in, so maybe they aren't that cool anymore. Don't mention it to them though, maybe they won't notice.

Read it (please?) and tell me what you think. It's personal and kind of exposing (but not in a trench-coat-flasher kind of way), but since the Tumbleweed times are a changin' and the future is all bright and scary, it seemed appropriate.


  1. I left a comment over at Studio 30 Plus too, but thought I should let you know that I made several calls to NASA about signing up for astronaut classes and they have now asked me to stop calling them. It must be one of those type of classes where you just show up and don't need to register.

    1. Yeah, that's what I think too. They are probably just trying to cut down on their phone bill, you know how the government is always trying to cut corners.

  2. So very, very proud of u!!! It took alot of guts to look back on your experience with such honesty and I admire you for so many reasons. The first being the fact that you were willing to try something I would never have had the guts to try. I'm actually glad you didn't succeed at the firefighter gig. If you had succeeded, you might not have ever found your true calling which is to write. Keep up the good work!

    1. Aww, thank you. Ima get a big head if you don't stop. (DON"T STOP!)

      It wasn't guts so much as stubborness, raging over-confidence, and ignorance--but I'll take the compliment because you are every bit as gutsy--not to mention grit-y (is that a word?) You know what I mean.

      I'm going to keep trying!

  3. Wow, you are very brave to reveal your innermost failures, if you want to call it a failure. I agree wholeheartedly with "Cari" that your real calling is your clever writing. Soooo proud of you

    1. Aww thanks D! It was hard to write, I hate to look I'll probably have go beat somebody up to make up for it! ;)

  4. i MISSED this one!! congrats to i'm gonna go run over there and take a look!! :)

    1. without sounding like i'm not being original...and just repeating what others have said...writing is your calling!!

      about the firefighter set your mind to DO prove something...and even though you didn't make it as a was the courage to make up your mind and DO it. you tried. you did your best...and it was part of the path you took to get HERE!! yeah!! just keep us thinking, smiling, laughing...

    2. Thank you Laura! Everything does have a way of working out, but sometimes the road is long and hard--I guess that's what being young and full of it is all about!


Do what?