As I've said before, the Tumbleweeds have been in some questionable bathrooms and showers at truck stops. The truck stop in Big Cabin Oklahoma is one of the better ones we've come across. You think, so what? All cool with your own bathroom that has only your cooties and you can shut the door and brush your teeth without people staring at you or mistaking you for a man.
Public Bathroom Episode#134
Me: *Brushes teeth at sink.*
Stupid Person Mistaking Me for Man:*Opens door, looks at me as if I'm OJ Simpson putting on tiny gloves, double checks the sign on the door. Walks in tentatively, clutching sweater tightly.*
Me: *Squinty eyes*
This happens more often that I would like to admit. I pawn it off on the fact that I am tall and give out some kind of capable ninja vibe, but more likely it's that I have short hair and (have been told) that I dress like a 5th grade boy.
In our quest to eat BBQ in every state, we recently dined on Big Foot in Caddo, Oklahoma. The menu said it was pork, but really, how would you know? My only quibble with this place was that the BBQ sauce was cold, straight out of the refrigerator. This is profoundly wrong.
In a completely unrelated, except for the name, bit of trivia, Caddo lake in north east Texas has cooties of its own; an invasive weed known as salvinia molesta. It has velcro-like grippy things and can double itself every 4 days, creating a layer on top of the water that smothers everything underneath. What else could you expect with the name molesta?
Coming out of Houston. They put stars on everything in Texas. |
Tangled web of Houston |